
Knowledge is Power.

AEP OnSite Partner’s Customer Insights blog provides helpful information to help organizations like yours make informed decisions regarding their energy management strategy. Read more as we explore a new energy-related topic each month.

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2021 Policy Landscape: Thoughts on Potential Changes, Trends and Impacts

Energy Policy

With the swearing in of a new federal administration and the change in the congressional make up, our thoughts naturally turn to what that might mean as far as new rules, initiatives and regulations that might affect us here in the energy space (and in particular how these things might impact our customers). In this …

2021 Energy Market Reset

Energy Market

After a year of unprecedented events, the start of 2021 gives us a chance to check in on trends in the energy markets. Last year saw significant shifts in load, dips and spikes in natural gas prices, all-time low spot prices in the PJM power market, and an accelerating shift in the electricity generation mix. …